domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Nutritional facts!

Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans, Bengal Gram), Boiled, w/o Salt

serving size: 1 cup (164g)

Garbanzo beans (like most legumes) have long been valued for their fiber content. Two cups provide the entire Daily Value! But the research news on garbanzos and fiber has recently taken us one step further by suggesting that the fiber benefits of garbanzo beans may go beyond the fiber benefits of other foods.

Many public health organizations—including the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society—recommend legumes as a key food group for preventing disease and optimizing health. 

Calories - At this serving size there are 269 Calories per serving. A closer look shows: 38 Calories from Fat, 58 Calories from Protein, and 180 Calories from Carbohydrate. If you're keeping track, a good calorie counter can make this easy -- see the software below.

Fat - One serving has 4.25 grams of Total Fat. This is made up of 0.44 grams of Saturated Fat and unfortunately the Trans Fat amount was not listed for this food. The rest of the Fat (3.81 grams) is unaccounted for

Cholesterol - This is one of the healthy foods if you're watching your Cholesterol intake. There are 0 mg of Cholesterol.
Carbohydrates - Total Carb count for one serving: 44.97 grams. Sugar: 7.87 grams, Fiber: 12.46 grams, and Net Carbs: 32.5 grams (helpful to know if you're counting carbs).
Protein - For Protein, one serving of this food has a total of 14.53 grams.
Minerals - At this serving size Calcium is 80.36 mg and Iron is 4.74 mg. In addition, this serving size contains 11.48 mg of Sodium and 477.24 mg of Potassium.
Vitamins - This food has both Vitamin A and Vitamin C. One serving contains 44.28 International Units of Vitamin A and 2.13 mg of Vitamin 

for more information about our friend the chickpea, go check out this sites 

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